Keep It Clean, Keep It Sanitary

The next time you walk down the sidewalk and it is not littered with trash, thank a sanitation worker. The next time you visit the pharmacy and the shelves are clean, thank a sanitation worker. This entire industry is tasked with keeping the environment around us clean and safe. It's a big job, and it is a job they deserve more recognition for completing. This website is dedicated to all of the sanitation workers, and also to people who would like to learn more about the value of sanitation. Read the articles, which we have curated using reliable sources and information.

4 Sneaky Signs Your Water Treatment System Needs Attention


Pure and clean water is crucial for your family's health. Besides that, the quality of water in your home determines the lifespan of your plumbing fixtures. On that account, it's essential to maintain your water treatment unit. A certified water expert can inspect your unit for any lurking issues. Here are four sneaky signs your water treatment system needs dire attention.

1. Foul smell and taste in water

Ideally, a filtration system removes unpleasant smells and contaminants present in water. However, if your unit has underlying problems, your drinking water might have a metallic and bitter taste. Additionally, the same water can give off a rotten egg smell. If this is the case, the water in your home has the following impurities:

  • Algae
  • Copper
  • Lead
  • Iron
  • Sulfur
  • Chlorine

A professional can examine your water treatment system to figure out the real issue. The filter might need replacing to continue working correctly. If there's extensive corrosion, a new unit may be the ultimate solution.

2. Stains on surfaces and clothes

Mineral accumulation in water can stain your laundry and surfaces at home. Typically, excessive magnesium and calcium are the root causes of hard water. Therefore, if your water softener isn't functioning correctly, marks will appear on the following fixtures:

  • Bathtubs
  • Toilet bowls
  • Sinks

Keep in mind that mineral deposits can easily clog your appliances and showerheads. Plus, they can discolor your dishes and make them unappealing.

3. Disruptive sounds

A noisy water treatment system is a sign that it needs a thorough inspection. There could be problems causing the unit to operate loudly. Usually, the equipment produces minimal sounds due to pressure changes. Therefore, if you hear any odd noises, then you need a professional to inspect your unit and determine the exact problem. There could be damaged components within the equipment, leading to laboring sounds. Usually, screeching noises indicate a clogged valve that requires professional cleaning.

4. High energy bills

If you've been receiving unusually high energy bills, your water treatment unit may be straining. A straining unit uses tons of power to purify your water. The primary reason is scale buildup that blocks pipes and other plumbing systems. Therefore, your unit will work harder to purify water for safe use at home. When that happens, you need water treatment services whereby a specialist will inspect your unit and clean it to remove the massive sediment accumulation. 

Consequently, a water treatment unit should offer you freshwater. However, if you've been experiencing any of the above signs, then you may need water treatment services soon.


15 October 2021